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Similac Sensitive Vs. Total Comfort: A head-to-head comparison?

Babies are sensitive, and due to this deciding on the best and right baby formula might not be easy. There are many formulas available on the market from different brands.

Similac is one of those brands that provide amazing breastmilk-like formulas. Yet, what makes deciding a tough task, are the different variations of Similac Formulas.

In this article, I will compare two formulas of Similac such as Similac Sensitive and Total Comfort, and mention everything that you need to know regarding these two formulas. So, if you have difficulties finding the right one for your baby, better read this article carefully.

Main Points

  • Deciding on the best formula for your baby is a challenging process since many of them are available on the market.
  • Similac Sensitive and Total Comfort are amongst the best formulas available on the Market.
  • Both formulas have many things in common, and they provide excellent results, that will keep your baby satisfied.
  • Similac Sensitive is specifically designed for gassy babies and for those that have colic.
  • Similac Total Comfort is a perfect option for those who want to have a formula that is free of Palm oil and GMOs.

Meet The Formulas

First and foremost, I will introduce to you the baby formulas and give some essential information to you, what they stand for and what the main nutrients found in the formulas are.

This section is like a warm-up since, in the comparison part, things will get more serious, and I will explain everything in more detail.

Similac Sensitive – Brief Review

Similac Sensitive is the first baby formula that I will review shortly. It is one of the most preferred formulas by many parents due to many reasons.

Similac Sensitive is specifically designed for babies with sensitive tummies and for babies who are having gas issues and fussiness. This is the first formula for sensitive tummies, and this is why it is amongst the best ones available.

Besides it, the Similac Sensitive is also certified and it is the first formula with the 2’-FL human milk oligosaccharide, and this is the main reason why also many pediatricians recommend it for babies with a sensitive tummy.

If you want to go for a formula that is very similar to breast milk, then the Similac Sensitive is a perfect choice. It owns almost all the nutrients that are found in breast milk such as vitamin E, DHA, and Lutein. All of these nutrients help in the healthy brain development of the baby.

Accordingly, it is a formula with no palm olein oil which allows better absorption of calcium and better development of bones as well.

Similac Total Comfort – Brief Review

Total Comfort is another baby formula that comes from Similac and promises maximum quality and nutrients. If you want your baby to have one of the greatest formulas available in the market, then there is no doubt that you should go for the Similac Total Comfort.

I guess that many parents know that formulas made of hydrolyzed proteins are easy to digest, and the Similac Total Comfort is one of those formulas.

Due to its partially hydrolyzed whey proteins, the Similac Total comfort will keep your baby safe from colic and fussiness, which are the two common issues your baby might face.

When you purchase a formula for your baby, what you need to consider are the ingredients and whether it is similar to breast milk.

The Similac Total Comfort has almost all the nutrients found in breast milk, such as DHA and lutein, that support a baby’s brain and eye development. Accordingly, the 2’-FL HMO found in the formula will help to strengthen the baby’s immune system.

The calcium absorption will be at maximum since it is no palm olein oil formula, and it is also a NON-GMO, indicating that it doesn’t contain artificial growth hormones. However, it is a formula specifically designed for infants and is always an excellent option for your cute baby.

Similac Sensitive Vs. Similac Total Comfort – Head-to-Head Comparison

Both formulas are amongst the best ones, and they provide maximum quality for your baby. Yet again, there are some distinctions and similarities between them. In this comparison part, I will mention all of them so you can choose one according to your baby’s requirements.

Differences Between Similac Sensitive And Total Comfort

First and foremost, let’s start with the differences between those formulas and see in which categories they differ from each other.


Both formulas have easy-to-digest proteins, but only Similac Total Comfort has easy-to-digest probiotics as well. They both are specifically designed for babies that have digestive issues but Similac Total Comfort is a perfect option in this case, due to the probiotics found in the formula.

Whey Protein

Similac Sensitive and Total comfort are specifically designed for babies in mind who has lactose intolerance, and this is what makes them so special.

Whereas Similac Sensitive is made of milk-based proteins but with reduced lactose, while Similac Total Comfort is made of whey protein which is even better and helps the baby to digest milk better and easier.

Also, the Similac Sensitive contains corn syrup, but not all parents prefer to give their babies formula that contains corn syrup.

Formula Type

Similac Sensitive comes in different variations, and it is available on the market as powder and ready to use a bottle. While the Similac Total Comfort is available only in a large tub of powder. So, it all depends on you and your baby’s requirements regarding which one you will choose.

Similarities Between Similac Sensitive And Total Comfort

As I mentioned the differences between the formulas, now I will note the similarities and you will see that they have many things in common.


When it comes to ingredients, I want to point out that both formulas have many ingredients in common. Vitamin E, Lutein, And Omega 3 are the ingredients that are found in both formulas. All of these ingredients play a vital role in the healthy development of the baby.

Similac Sensitive and Total comfort also contain galactose, so you need to consider this fact since some babies have galactose intolerance, so this is a case that you have to pay attention to.

Both Are Easy To Digest

The proteins found in Similac Sensitive and Total Comfort are partially hydrolyzed, indicating easy digestion. This is what makes these formulas a perfect option for babies who have sensitive tummies and suffer from gas or colic.


You don’t have to use a nutrition supplement for your baby if you are using one of these formulas. They have all the nutrients that your baby needs since they are designed in the best way to feed the baby and are similar to breast milk as well.

No GMOs and Palm Oil

Both the formulas do not contain GMOs meaning that there are no artificial growth hormones that might be harmful to your baby. Also, they are palm oil-free indicating better and easier calcium absorption.

Final Words

Similac Sensitive and Total Comfort both are amongst the best formulas for your newborn. They are specifically designed for them and babies that have digestive issues.

Deciding on the greatest and the right formula for your baby is not an easy task since there are many things you need to consider.

Both the formulas will provide great results, and to be honest, I am not able to state a winner since they have many things in common, and what you have to pay attention to in this case are the distinctions between them.

I hope you liked this comparison article and found value in it.

All content and media on RaisingSmallSouls is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. The information on this website is not meant to take the place of expert medical assistance, advice, or consultations. You should speak with a medical expert if you have any worries or inquiries while pregnant.